by MyVideo

Video Players & Editors


The Myvideo app brings TV, video and radio content on your mobile device.

Myvideo App for AndroidEnjoy Live TV, Radio and Video content on your Android device.* TV: Pause Live TV and timeshift 70+ Georgian TV channels with an average of 2 month archive. Use an interactive programming guide to watch your favorite shows whenever you want or browse an archive using a calendar to jump to a particular date and time. Cast TV stream to your Chromecast and watch it on the big screen.* Video: Watch videos uploaded by others users and our media partners. Browse almost 2 million videos using categories and search features. Subscribe to channels and get notifications when new content is uploaded. Watch our daily updated featured and popular videos.* Radio: Listen to 30+ Georgian FM Radio stations from your mobile device. Pause the live stream and timeshift within a weeks’ worth of archive on each station. Jump to a particular date and time and listen to your favorite radio shows.Register an account on our platform and subscribe to different video channels, upload your own videos and share them with your friends. Account registration is free!Fixed tons of bugs.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

მაგარი სირობა აპლიკაციაა: ყოველ 5 წთ თავიდან იწყება ვიდეო. კიდევ იმდენი ბაგები აქვს მეზარება წერა. 0 შეფასება რომ იყოს მაგასაც არ დაგიწერდით. რეკლამების აპლიკაციაა მეტი არაფერი.

Giorgi Marshania

Why are you not updating it? Last update was in 2019. It still has tons of bugs. Please update and upgrade it. Otherwise other apps will come on market

Sa Ki


Gela Lashxia

:-); e, Skhultz, eRr kzk :) I z ķez

vasiko khutsishvili

Me am apllkasias mshvenivrad vergebi

nino malacidze


Dato kereselidze

Worst app ever!

George Sikharulidze

This is the best app

Adiba Ahmeed

Ძაან ხᲨირად იქრაᲨება აპი . განსაკუᲗრებიᲗ სეარᲩის დროს რო რეზულტატს აᲩვენებს. ენივეი ლაივ ტელევიზია კარგად მუᲨაობს

Alex Khutsishvili

imedi tv daamatet ra
